Sunday, January 31, 2016

Way to Go - Mark Zuckerberg - great advice for all girls!

Every year Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, post a New Year's resolution on Facebook that catches the attention of his friends, followers, and the media. This year's resolution caught my attention, more than usual. Yes, I think its cool that Mark Zuckerberg is going to spend some time 'making something for himself' this year and that it will be in the area of AI (Artificial Intelligence) which resonates with my interest in MAKING and in personalized learning. But what really caught my attention was the first comment on his New Year's resolution post and Mark Zuckerberg's response to it.  HERE

Mark Zuckerberg's response to it. I LOVE that response!  Every Mom and Dad should encourage the world to be the next inventor, not simply to 'marry' one.  Nice job Mark Zuckerberg!  

With advice like that,  I'm sure that Max (Mark Zuckerberg's new daughter) is doing to turn out to be an amazing young lady.

Can you imagine the confidence our girls would have if their Dad read to them about Quantum Physics or dressed them as Star Wars clothing! 

Research has shown that Dad's have a a huge influence on their daughter's career choices.  In my work with young women, I have found that to be true.  Thanks for being a role model to Dads and reminding all of us about way that our message to girls matters.